Estela Rios Inspirational Award

introduce myself I am Estela Rios also known as StellaJourney for my social sites I set up to inspire people like me. I used to weigh 405 pounds 3 1/2 yrs ago I am a single mother of 5 handsome boys ages 13 to 4yrs old I work couple jobs and I have 24 brothers and sister same mom and dad my father is a pastor by the way. Mom passed away on mother’s day this year will be 3 1/2 yrs ago I decided to make a decision to either give up and wait for death or wake up and chase my mother to heaven😳👀💋💋 that’s my mom😳 so here I stand today with no coach no trainer just God and my true friends I have made Lou and Levi at sports nutrition store in Tigard, angel sauce, Dominic current senor mark Mason these people have been true to the bone as friends. I recently went for Pittsburgh and Miami in August ended up 10th in the nationals in both Miami and Pittsburgh so I scheduled my surgery tummy tuck and breast done just 6 1/2 months ago the doctor just released me to workout so I got ready for the emerald cup placing 6th to start my season. I recently jumped into tanji Johnson show received 2nd and 3rd I believe now I have this show then o fly to Brazil to compete there.I’ve had no surgeries beforehand to lose weight or skin I did it all by Gods grace and strength and if you ask me.. this is better then living like a heroin addict for 11 years this I thank God I experienced before ANY OF MY CHILDREN were born nor have I relapsed since God healed me I take it and run!! So that is why I am overly excited to be here today for God I am nothing. I hope this has given you a little insight about myself am not here to bully or flaunt nothing I am here to grieve and move on with my life and everything in it so hi hehe. An honor Guys! See ya soon and thank you so much!
Placing.. titles..
Titles 1st show seven feathers 3rd,3rd,4th 2015, 2nd show Oregon state championship 2016 overall champion, 1st,1st,1st, fitness achievement award, 3rd show 2017 Cascadian classic 1st,2nd, 4thshow 2017 northwest championships 2nd,1st,5th show Pittsburgh championships 2017 10th,16th, 6th show Miami champions 2017 10th place, 7th show emerald cup 2018 6th,12th and most Inspirational award, 8th show 2018 Pacific coast 2nd,3rd,9th show Tanji Johnson classic 2018 2nd,2nd, physique and 8th #figure second time in 3 yrs. Now getting ready before I fly out to your show on the 9th of August my 10th show is for npcwastateopen national qualifier that is my 11th show would be you guys Brasil!!
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