Candyce Sexton Inspirational Award

Candyce Sexton Inspirational Award

Candyce Sexton Inspirational Award

Most people who meet me now, would never know or guess that I weighed 231lbs back in 2012 or that I suffered (and occasionally still do) from chronic pain. Most people wouldn’t know or guess that I was once one of the most negative or depressed people to talk to. I took ZERO ownership over the person I was. I blamed everything on the car accident I was in 11 years ago. It was an easy excuse, it was easy to pass the blame. After I hit my goal of 81lbs lost, I needed a new way to channel all of my energy. Insert a brief love of cardio. I feel in love with running for about 6 months. Then had a small setback needing my gallbladder removed. After that surgery, I was looking for other ways to stay active but didn’t cause my recent surgery to impact my ability to move. I loved Zumba, RIPPED, insanity, T25, and boot camp classes. In 2014 I was offered my own opportunity to teach and inspire others to push themselves out of their comfort zone through a HIIT class. It was an amazing feeling. While my start into teaching was a little bumpy, I definitely felt passionate about helping others become or transform into the best version of themselves. I have been on this journey of self-love and development for 6 years. 3 years ago I was introduced into weightlifting, and I have been blessed to have some amazing people work with me on training, and diet over the last 3 years. It’s amazing that when you feed your body what it needs vs. what you want how quickly you can grow and build muscle. Hours and hours food prepping, measuring your food, calculating and counting macros, for me, it’s been a worthwhile journey. I am now in the middle of competition prep and have 2 weeks to go. I have loved and hated parts of this journey. But looking back to where I was 3 years ago, 6 years ago, and even 10 years ago…I never thought I would be in the place I am today. I never thought I would be in a place where I can motivate and inspire not just myself but others around me. I am lucky to be able to wake up every day and get to do something I love not for anyone else, but for myself. This allows me to be a better wife, mom, co-worker and friend While I know…trust me I know…taking the first steps is hard, making the commitment to yourself is hard, keeping the promises you made to yourself and others are hard. But I am living proof that if you believe in yourself for just a little bit, that you can do anything you set your mind too.

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