
NW N.P.C Contest Schedule

2019 Northwest NPC Contest schedule calendar - NW Fitness Magazine
2020 NPC NW Contest Schedule Calendar
2020 NPC NW Contest Schedule Calendar


 *Only current NPC sanctioned events are included in the schedule.  If you don’t see it on here or at www.npcnewsonline.com  it’s not officially sanctioned by the NPC. *Events are added to the NW Schedule as they are sanctioned. For updates on the schedule please visit www.craigproductions.com and www.npcnewsonline.com 

March 21 – Utah Cup, Cottonwood High School, Salt Lake City, UT (National Qualifier)  Contact: SS Fitness Productions at 801-687-6409, steve@npcutah.com or web at www.ssfitnessproductions.com

March 28 – Vancouver Open Skyview H.S., Vancouver, WA  ( National Qualifier) Contact: Shadow Productions 360-910-3321, shadow.productions0@gmail.com web www.vancouveropen.net

April 11 – Empire Classic Championships & Expo, Spokane Convention Center, Spokane, WA (National Qualifier) Contact: Ribic Productions at 509-990-3771, spokanebodybuilding@gmail.com or web www.spokanebodybuilding.com

April 18 – Judgement Day, Alaska Airlines Center, Anchorage, AK (National Qualifier) Contact: Alaska Muscle at 907-317-3517 info@alaskamuscle.com or web at www.alaskamuscle.com

April 18 – NPC/IFBB Wasatch Warrior,  SLC Marriott at City Creek, Salt Lake City, UT (National Qualifier) Contact: Robyn Maher at 801-995-1163, slcgirlrunning@gmail.com or web at  www.thewasatchwarrior.com

April 24th & 25th  – “38th Anniversary” Muscleegg Emerald Cup  Championships and Fitness Expo (National Qualifier) Meydenbauer Center, Bellevue, WA Contact:  Ribic Productions at 509-990-3771, spokanebodybuilding@gmail.com or web at www.ribicproductions.com

May 2 – Big Sky Championships, Dennison Theatre, Missoula, MT (National Qualifier) Contact: Ribic Productions at 509-990-3771, e-mail npcmontana@gmail.com or web at www.npcmontana.com

May 16 – Pacific Coast Championships, Chinook Winds Casino, Lincoln City, OR (National Qualifier) Contact: RK Smith Productions at 503.376.6361, rksmithproductions@gmail.com or web at www.rksmithproductions.com

May 23 – Cascadian Classic, Riverhouse Convention Center, Bend, OR (National Qualifier) Contact: Dominic Current at: 541-350-2259 e-mail to info@cascadianclassic.com or web at www.npcoregon.com

May 30 – Southern Idaho Showdown, College of Southern Idaho, Twin Falls, ID Contact: Big Jon Fitness Productions at 208-899-6428, idahobodybuilding@gmail.com  or web at www.idahobodybuilding.com

June 6 – Muscleegg Idaho Muscle Classic, Revolution Concert House, Boise, ID (National Qualifier) Contact: Craig Productions at 425-949-7320, muscleshows@aol.com or web at www.craigproductions.com

June 13 – Arctic Muscle Fest,  Wendy Williamson Auditorium, Anchorage, AK (National Qualifier) Contact: Alaska Muscle at 907-317-3517 info@alaskamuscle.com or web at www.alaskamuscle.com

June 13 – Salt Lake City Championships, Cottonwood High School, Salt Lake City, UT (National Qualifier) Contact: SS Fitness Productions at 801-687-6409, steve@npcutah.com web www.ssfitnessproductions.com

June 27 – Tanji Johnson Classic, Washington Center for Performing Arts, Olympia, WA (National Qualifier) Contact: Tanji Johnson at 206-898-1702, excellentspirit@hotmail.com or web at  www.tanjijohnsonclassic.com

July 11 – Oregon Open Championships (Oregon State), Lake Oswego High School, Lake Oswego, OR (National Qualifier) Contact: RK Smith & Current Productions at info@npcoregonopen.com or web at www.npcoregonopen.com

July 18 – Washington State Open, Auburn Performing Arts Center, Auburn, WA (National Qualifier) Contact: info@williamsproductions.com or web at www.wastatebodybuilding.com

August 15 – Viking Championships, Cottonwood High School, Salt Lake City, UT (National Qualifier) Contact: SS Fitness Productions at 801-687-6409, steve@npcutah.com www.ssfitnessproductions.com

September 26 – Northern Classic Championships, Federal Way Performing Arts & Events Center, WA (National Qualifier) Contact: Elite Productions at 253-576-7062, eliteproductions04@hotmail.com or web at www.northernclassic.net

October 3 (tentative) – Washington Ironman Championships,  WA (Drug Tested National Qualifier) Contact: Ribic Productions at 509-990-3771, spokanebodybuilding@gmail.com or web at www.ribicproductions.com

October 17 – Utah Classic, Cottonwood High School, Salt Lake City, UT (National Qualifier) Contact: SS Fitness Productions at 801-687-6409, steve@npcutah.com or web www.ssfitnessproductions.com

October 24 – NPC Night of Champions, Northern Quest Resort & Casino, Airway Heights, WA (National Qualifier) Contact: Ribic Productions at 509-990-3771,  spokanebodybuilding@gmail.com web www.spokanebodybuilding.com

October TBA – Battle for the Eagle, OR (National Qualifier) Contact: RK Smith Productions at 503-376-6361, rksmithproductions@gmail.com  or web at www.rksmithproductions.com

November 7 – Muscleegg Idaho Cup Championships, Revolution Concert House, Garden City, ID (National Qualifier) Contact Craig Productions at 425-949-7320, muscleshows@aol.com or web at www.craigproductions.com

November 13 – Northwest Championships, Little Creek Casino, Shelton, WA (National Qualifier) Contact: Ribic Productions at 509-990-3771,  spokanebodybuilding@gmail.com web www.spokanebodybuilding.com

For additional Washington, Idaho, Montana & Northwest NPC information or questions, contact Northwest NPC Zone Chairman Brad Craig at:  425-949-7320 or brad.craig@aol.com

For Oregon NPC information or questions, contact  NPC Oregon State Chairman Ron Smith at: rksmithproductions@gmail.com 

For Alaska NPC information or questions, contact  NPC Alaska State Chairman Shawn Clapp at: info@alaskamuscle.com

For Utah NPC information or questions, contact NPC Utah State Chairman Steve DeVore at stephendevore@gmail.com