Clarence Watkins- Transformation contest

Clarence Watkins – Transformation contest

Clarence Watkins – Transformation contest

Four years ago I weighed over 325LBS and I was very unhappy and seen no light for my future. I had no friends so the only way I seen to comfort myself was through food. I ate and ate until my heart was content or till I was happy. By the time I was 22 I had reached 325LBs I decided that it was time to change and start living a better, healthier life. I started on my 22nd birthday with my weight loss journey. First by cutting out all bad food then started going to the track everyday and run. Before I knew it I started running more longer than I did the last time and the weight started melting off. For 2 1/2 years I did this. I then started working at the YMCA in my town and I meet a group of guys that were physique and bodybuilding competitors and they suggested I started lifting with them. At first I was like “I don’t want to get big again”. They told me that I wouldn’t so I agreed and started lifting with the in October of 2013. They proceeded to suggest that I should compete before I could even think I went off of impulse and registered for NPC Vancouver that following April. I can’t lie, it was one of the best decisions I had made in my life. The people, the lifestyle is truly amazing and I never thought that I would be among these type of people. I absolutely love it.

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